Current version: 2023-05-11 09:47



Retired from the Resource Quality Information Services directorate's Resource Quality Information group (formerly Resource Quality Services' Information Systems Maintenance and Development, formerly the Institute for Water Quality Studies' Catchment Studies / Applications Development group).

Work experience 2000-2020
Water resource information visualisation.
Applying R, ArcGIS, Arc/Info and other information systems to the mapping of water quality (e.g. using Google Earth to map water quality monitoring sites).
Supporting Resource Quality projects, mainly the National Chemical, Eutrophication, Microbial and Ecosystem Health programmes.
Development of applications to analyse water quality and flow data on the South African national databases. This includes calculation of Sustainable Development Goal 6.3.2 indicators.
Development of a standardised national river coverage at the 1:500 000 scale.
Stood in as manager of the Resource Quality Information subdirectorate, 2016-2020.
Interpretation of satellite images to extract irrigated land.
Assessment of the extent of informal urban settlements and their effect on water quality.
Licensing and registration forms for the 1998 Water Act.
A Fortran-based mapping application to provide transparent overlays for Gauss Conform topographical maps with satellite-derived data (pre-GIS).
1985-1989 UCT
Department of Zoology Freshwater Research Unit (FRU): Counting zooplankton species from Namibian impoundments.
Department of Applied Mathematics: Whale research including the development of a mapping system for displaying International Whaling Commission research ship tracks and whale sightings along the Antarctic ice shelf.
FRU: Developing a relational database of Western Cape wetland data.
1977-1984 HRI
Hydrological Research Institute (which became the Institute for Water Quality Studies, then Resource Quality Services, later Resource Quality Information Services):
Hydrologist in sediment lab and limnology section.
Data specialist supporting application of water quality models.
Michael Silberbauer 2008


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